The Kiseki Institute Blog

Your Attitude: An Invisible, Determining Force Behind Success

attitude manifestation paradigms subconscious mind
Your Attitude: An Invisible, Determining Force Behind Success

The key to achieving your C-TYPE GOAL lies in your attitude. If your current attitude is not in alignment and helping you move towards your goal, it’s time to shift it.

Your thoughts, feelings and actions are what defines your attitude and all must be in alignment to manifest a desired outcome. 

Your attitude was shaped by your deep-seated beliefs and paradigms, which were formed during your formative years. When you begin to reprogram your subconscious mind with new sets of empowering beliefs as a person who has already manifested the desired outcomes, your renewed attitude will be an active force and will significantly impact your results in a positive way.

This week, I invite you to embrace a consistent and unwavering attitude. Even in the face of adversity, begin to recognize that challenges are simply opportunities for growth. 

Take a moment to reflect on the past week. I invite you to explore and observe your results by witnessing what you are/have attracted into your life. What has the external word reflected back onto your reality?

Can you identify thoughts that didn’t align with the definition of a positive attitude? Can you say that you were in full control of your thoughts, feelings and actions? Would you have been thinking, feeling and acting the same way if you were already at your goal? What would be different? It all starts with you first identifying the gap. 

Your thoughts, feelings and actions are a powerful force that influences and determines your attitude, and ultimately… your results. It acts as a powerful magnet that attracts circumstances and opportunities consistent with your vision.

What can you start implementing to shift your attitude? What exactly will you be attracting this week?

When your attitude shifts, everything in your world must shift!

Happy manifesting! 😊

Love & Light, 

Mariko Fujimura