Lean Into Faith consciousness faith manifestation subconscious mind

Everything you manifest in your life is an outward expression of either your inner faith or your inner fears. Thoughts create your reality. 

The key to tapping into your true potential is not...

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Open Your Heart to Welcome Abundance abundance consciousness mindset

Embodying an abundance mindset is about consciously shifting your attitude - the alignment of your thoughts, feelings and actions towards a perspective that invites limitless possibilities rather...

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Belief + Faith + Feeling = Miracles consciousness faith manifestation subconscious mind visualization

Visualize a Bridge

Visualization is a potent tool that allows you to close the gap between your inner world and your external reality. It is a powerful process acting just like a bridge, enabling...

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Your Consciousness Creates Your Results consciousness energy vibrations visualization

“You have the freedom to think anything you want to think.” - Bob Proctor

By consciously choosing to focus on positive thoughts and emotions (while holding the image of the vision), you...

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