The Kiseki Institute Blog

Elevate Your Self-Image and Keep Striving For Excellence

attitude self-image visualization
Elevate Your Self-Image and Keep Striving For Excellence

Epictetus once said, "First, say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do." This timeless wisdom beautifully encapsulates the power of our self-image. The image we hold of ourselves on the screen of our mind acts like a thermostat that regulates our actions, choices, and the results we achieve in life. If your self-image is one of self-doubt, limitation, and fear, you'll find yourself holding back and settling for less than you deserve.

On the other hand, if you see yourself as a person who is confident, successful, and capable of achieving your goals, you will align your actions accordingly. 

Start perceiving yourself as capable, worthy, and resilient. Doors will open. Opportunities you never imagined will start to come your way, and the world will appear brighter and full of potential. That internal shift makes a world of difference. Move from doubting your journey to embracing every challenge, knowing that you have the power to overcome and thrive.

So, the question arises: How can you elevate your self-image and start taking the inspired actions that will lead to lasting change and success?

✔️ Dress for Success: Your appearance is not just a reflection of who you are, but also a powerful tool to mould who you want to become. Dressing with intention, in a way that aligns with the person you aspire to be, will not only boost your confidence but also change the way others perceive you. When you look and feel your best, you'll naturally exude self-assuredness, and this can have a ripple effect on all areas of your life. 

✔️Act with Purpose: Taking action is a crucial step towards personal transformation. Start with small, achievable actions and gradually build momentum. Every action you take as the person who has already manifested your goal, no matter how small, reinforces the positive image you have of yourself as a capable and proactive individual.

✔️Visualize Your Ideal Self: Close your eyes and picture the person you want to become. See yourself radiating confidence. The more vivid and emotionally charged your visualizations are, the more they will influence your self-image and inspire action.

✔️Surround Yourself with Positivity: Be mindful of the people and environments you allow into your life. Seek out individuals who encourage your growth and share your vision. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people and an uplifting environment will reinforce your self-image and help you stay on the path to success.

"See yourself as you want to be, and then be as you have seen." - Bob Proctor.

Nurture a positive self-image of yourself, you have the power within to take control of your destiny.

Learn more about 5 actionable steps to start cultivating a healthier self-image on my Instagram