The Kiseki Institute Blog

Are Your Paradigms Talking You Out of Your C-type Goal?

awareness decisions goals paradigms subconscious mind
Are your paradigms talking you out of your c-type goal?

Ingrained in your subconscious mind, your paradigms can hold you back from realizing your true potential. Often left unnoticed, they silently sabotage your efforts toward reaching our C-type goal. Other times, they are perceived as insurmountable obstacles. 

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Paradigms are threats to your fully expressed higher self as they are unconsciously dictating what you believe is possible and impossible. Your paradigms create a comfort zone within which you operate.  

When you set an ambitious C-type goal, one that stretches you beyond your comfort zone, your paradigms will start whispering doubts, fears, and uncertainty into your mind, attempting to dissuade you from stepping outside your familiar territory. Paradigms are your mind’s way of protecting you from potential failure or disappointment. 

Transcending paradigms and their limitations

I have exciting news! You can break free from the confines of your paradigms. They aren’t fixed and you have the power to reshape the beliefs they are forging. You have the power to transcend the limitations your paradigms impose on you. 

It all begins with awareness. Acknowledge their presence by paying attention to your negative self-talk, the doubts that are creeping in, and the fears that arise when you set your most audacious goals. Understand - on a deep level - that your paradigms are merely conditioned responses and not a reflection of your true capabilities. Ask yourself if your current beliefs - the ones holding you back - could be a mere illusion. 

Challenge your thoughts and open your mind to new possibilities. Stretch your imagination beyond the limitations of your paradigms. Activate your higher faculties to create a new reality powerful enough to overwrite the negative beliefs that your paradigms have been feeding.

With awareness can come discomfort. Embrace it, for it is in that discomfort that true growth and extraordinary achievements are found.

Intentionality and consistency are key

How intentional and consistent have you been in your daily affirmations? Remember that your empowering statements will penetrate your subconscious mind with the power of repetition, enabling you to transform your current reality. 

You have the power to achieve your dreams, far beyond what your paradigms would have you believed. Remain focused, stay committed to your decision, expand your level of awareness, and watch as your dreams transform into reality. 

Remember, my goal is to offer you a strong support system to help you strive for your very own breakthroughs… even when your paradigms try to convince you otherwise. Don’t hesitate to reach out. 

With an unwavering belief in your limitless potential, 

Love and light,

Mariko Fujimura