The Kiseki Institute Blog

Provide More Service Than What You Are Paid For

abundance law of attraction mindset
Provide More Service Than What You Are Paid For

Every time one of my masterclasses ends, there is an inherent satisfaction that comes over me knowing I have shared the knowledge that has completely changed my life with as many others as I can. This act of giving allows me to feel a deep sense of purpose and meaning. 

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It really feels amazing to make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute something greater than myself. There is a natural flow of energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration that arises within when I give freely - it sparks that fire inside of me, reviving my burning desire to create a life of abundance for all. 

When we give graciously and generously, whether it's our time, resources, or skills, we create a positive ripple effect in the world around us. By going above and beyond what is expected, we not only make a meaningful impact on the lives of others, but we also receive the effects of this on ourselves. This ripple effect reflects back to us attracting abundance and opening doors to greater opportunities and fulfillment.

Being of service cultivates the mindset of true abundance.

This mindset shift fosters a sense of gratitude, which not only enriches our relationships but also enhances our own well-being. Remember, resources are infinite and there is always more to give and share. 

This week, I invite you to tap into your true essence and make a lasting difference in the lives of others by giving a little bit more than you are normally comfortable sharing. Leave a legacy of abundance to those around you. Remember that acts of service create a positive energy that attracts abundance and opportunities into your life. Go the extra mile and give more than what is expected. Set in motion that powerful force that ultimately, will lead to greater success and achievement. 

"The more you give of yourself in your work and your interactions with others, the stronger your desires become, and the greater the results you can achieve. Give generously, pour your passion into everything you do, and watch as your desires ignite and propel you towards extraordinary achievements." - Napoleon Hill