The Kiseki Institute Blog

Lean Into Faith

consciousness faith manifestation subconscious mind
Faith Over Fear

Everything you manifest in your life is an outward expression of either your inner faith or your inner fears. Thoughts create your reality. 

The key to tapping into your true potential is not to let fear hold you back. I have a quick video for you, where I invite you to develop greater awareness about the nature of your thoughts so that you can immediately catch yourself and refocus should you find yourself getting sucked into the spiral of worry and fear.

The longer you stay in a state of worry and fear, the lower the state of vibrational frequency you operate from. The lower your vibrational frequency, the harder it gets to manifest a life of true abundance. 

Doubts are slow and silent dream killers; they serve as insidious obstacles that erode your ability to manifest your dreams and desires. You are often not even aware of them. They work quietly in the background, undermining your intentions and goals. They slow down your progress by generating negative thought patterns and emotional states that oppose your aspirations. 

Faith is the opposite of fear. It is the unshakeable confidence in what you hope for and an assurance about what you do not see.  

I understand that sometimes, despite trying to bury your fear, you still feel anxious and uncertain, unable to move forward with confidence. I’ve been there too - stuck in that constant ambivalence between faith and fear. It can feel painfully stagnating, and overwhelming. To break out of this, you must make a committed decision to only accept faith.

I consciously choose the state of faith and in my infinite potential, and with conscious awareness, I set forth a ripple effect that will redefine my journey. 

Fear is an illusion that is born out of your paradigms. When in doubt, I take a step back and guide my mind to align myself with the future ideal version of myself. 

You are probably familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza’s saying: “Remember the future”. Using visualization and intention to create your desired outcome enables you to take back your power into your own hands and crush those fears. When you mentally and emotionally immerse yourself in the future scenario you desire, feeling it as if it has already happened, you are “remembering” the future as a real experience. 

Faith is reinforced by the repetition of this “future remembrance”. Your doubts are perpetuated by the repetition of old patterns. It is now time to live in the future to manifest your desired reality.

Take a step back and actively recognize and confront these doubts. Replace them with faith and “repeat the future” with focused intention, and visualization. Break free from doubt’s paralyzing grip and step into your infinite power to shape your destiny. 

Persevere through setbacks, learn from failures, and continue striving to live the reality you desire. With relentless effort, activated with your unconditional faith, and unshakable belief in your own self, the unseen will manifest.


A quick note: manifesting your desires is not solely about setting your goals and taking inspired actions. It is equally important to nurture and prioritize your own well-being. Read more here.

Love & light,
Mariko xo